Promised the Moon | Exhibition
Date & time

Promised the Moon
Bec Bigg-Wither, Tom Buckland, Heather Burness, Susan Chancellor, Dean Cross, Deirdre Feeney, UK Frederick, Lee Grant, Ellis Hutch, Julian Laffan, Jacqui Malins, Rose Montebello, Macdonald Nichols, and Erica Seccombe.
Curated by Dr Ursula Frederick.
Fifty years after Apollo 11, artists reflect on the first moon landing and the Canberra region's role in this unique mission.
Lift Off & Panel Discussion
Thursday 27 June 2019
6pm - 7pm: Join us in the ANU School of Art & Design Lecture Theatre for an engaging panel discussion on the significance of Canberra’s unique space heritage, and a how this history has inspired the artists in the exhibition, Promised the Moon.
7pm - 8pm: The panel discussion will be followed by an opportunity to view the exhibition in the Gallery. Drinks and light refreshements will be served.
Curator in Conversation
2pm Thursday 18 July 2019
Join the curator, Dr Ursula Frederick in the Main Gallery to hear more about the works in the exhibition Promised the Moon and the importance of the artists in communicating and commemorating the ACT’s unique space heritage.
Splashdown Official Closing Reception
6pm Thursday 25 July
Guest speaker: Dr Brad Tucker, Astronomer, Mount Stromlo Observatory, ANU Research School of Astronomy & Astrophysics
Join us in the Main Gallery to mark Splashdown, the astronauts’ safe return to Earth and the official closing reception of the exhibition Promised the Moon.
Main Gallery
The 50th anniversary of the first moon landing falls on 21 July 2019 AEST. The anniversary is an opportunity to reflect on the historic period of the lunar landings during NASA’s Apollo missions, including their motivations, influences and repercussions. It is also an opportunity to celebrate the ACT’s important contribution and its unique space heritage.
The very first television images of Neil Armstrong’s first steps on the moon were broadcast to the world via the former Honeysuckle Creek Tracking Station just outside of Canberra. Honeysuckle Creek was one of three major stations spaced evenly around the globe capable of communicating with Apollo spacecraft at lunar distance. It was closely supported in the ACT by its ‘wing’ facility, Tidbinbilla Tracking Station (now Canberra Deep Space Communications Complex). Other ACT facilities have also played a part in Apollo and subsequent programmes.
Members of the public are invited to submit their own creative responses to the anniversary, with a particular focus on experiences and reflections from people who have or have had a connection to the ACT/Canberra region.To add your voice to the celebrations see here.
This project was supported with funding made available by the ACT Government under the ACT Heritage Grants Program.
This exhibition is part of Moon Week, presented by the Australian National Univeristy in partnership with the ACT Government.