The Fellows - Vice-Chancellor's Fellowship Scheme Exhibition 2018
Date & time

Reception - 6:00pm Monday 9 July
Exhibition Dates - Friday 22 June – Friday 13 July 2018
Speaker - Professor Brian P. Schmidt, Vice-Chancellor BS Phys, BS Astro, AM Astro, PhD Astro
Supported by funding from the Vice-Chancellor, this innovative scheme is the first of its kind in an Australian University, and demonstrates the high regard in which visual arts and practice-led research is held at the ANU. The Scheme aims to promote collaborative research between disciplines in the University and provide opportunities for developing future trans-disciplinary ARC funded projects in which practice-led research and creative design logic would be embedded.
Dr Vanessa Barbay
with Theresa Ardler and the School of Archaeology and Anthropology,
College of Arts and Social Sciences
Dr Jay Kochel
with Dr Tim Brook and Dr Alistair Riddell, ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science
Dr Erica Seccombe
with Professor Tim Senden, ANU College of Science
Dr Kirsty Darlaston
with Professor TAMAs (Tom) D Gedeon, ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science
Dr Nicola Dickson
with Associate Professor Bronwen Douglas, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific
Dr Ursula K Frederick
with Dr Sally Brockwell and Distinguished Professor Sue O’Connor, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific
Dr Steven Holland
with Professor J Scott Keogh, ANU College of Medicine,
Biology and Environment
Dr Carolyn Young
with Dr Sue McIntyre, Dr Phillip Barton and Associate Professor Adrian
Manning, ANU College of Medicine, Biology and Environment
Dr Tony Curran
with Dr Ben Swift, ANU College of Computer Science and Engineering
Dr Anna Madeleine
with Dr Alexandra Webb and Associate Professor Krisztina Valter,
ANU College of Medicine, Biology and Environment
Ms Jennifer Robertson
with Emeritus Professor Ian Jackson, ANU College of Science
Ms Susan Buret
with Dr Vanessa Robins Research School of Physics & Engineering, Department of Applied Mathematics, ANU
Dr Kit Devine
with Dr Ben Swift, Research Fellow, Research School of Engineering,
College of Engineering and Computer Science, ANU
Dr Alexandra Gillespie
with Dr Vanessa Robins, Research School of Physics & Engineering, Department of Applied Mathematics, ANU
Ms Michelle Hallinan
with Professor Brad Pillans, School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, College of Earth Sciences, ANU
Dr Ella Whateley
with Dr Peter J Riggs, Research School of Physics and Engineering, ANU
Image credit: Jay Kochel, Karesansui 1, 2016
machine drawing, pen on chalkboard paint
on 300gsm Snowden
141 x 262.5 cm
(15 panels 47 x 52.5cm each)
469,281 objects
path length: 2,287,558.05mm