Required Resources and Incidental Fees

Student contribution amounts under the Higher Education Support Act 2003 (HESA) and tuition fees support the course described in the Class Summary and include tuition, teaching materials, and student access to the workshops for the stated course hours.



Each workshop sources appropriate specialistmaterials,which are made available to studentsto facilitate their workingeffectively,efficiently and safelywithin our programs. The School of Art & Design is able to supply materials that don’t compromise ANU obligations under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (WHS), and that have been assessed as suitable for each course.


TheMaterial Feeis payable for the School of Art & Design to supply consumables and materials that become your physical property. You can choose to pay the Materials Fee and have these materials supplied to you through the School of Art & Design, allowing you to take advantage of the GST-free bulk purchasing power of the ANU.These materials are also WHS compliant.


Semester 1, 2025 Course Name Material Fee
ARTV1034-3478 Foundations of Contemporary Art Practices $60.00 
ARTV1150-3982 Ceramics 1 - Introduction to  Handformed Ceramics $90.00 
ARTV1350-3983 Glass 1 - Introduction to Glassblowing $250.00 
ARTV1550-3984 Painting 1 - Introduction to Acrylic Painting $35.00 
ARTV1650-3985 Photomedia 1 - Introduction to Darkroom Photography $130.00 
ARTV1750-3987 Press-based Print 1 - Introduction to Etching & Monoprinting $170.00 
ARTV1850-3988 Sculpture and Spatial Practice 1 - Heavy Metal: Metalworking and Sound $65.00 
ARTV1950-3989 Textiles 1 - Woven Worlds: interlaced structures & surfaces $70.00 
ARTV2066-3991 Art in Context - Politics of Memory: Video Installation, Sculpture -
ARTV2150-3992 Ceramics 2 - Glaze and Colour $150.00 
ARTV2350-3993 Glass 2 - Glass Casting $250.00 
ARTV2550-3996 Painting in the Photo-Digital Age $30.00 
ARTV2751-4018 Planographic Print 2 - Fashioning with Print $155.00 
ARTV2850-4020 Sculpture and Spatial Practice - Topic 3 Socially Engaged Art Practice $150.00 
ARTV2921-4021 Environment Studio: field based research and studio practice in visual arts: Buugang: Field Program $150.00 
ARTV2909- 1486 The Public Project: Engaging with Institutions and Communities - Mt Stromlo Canberra Enlighten -
ARTV2950-4022 Textiles 2 - Textile Thinking: materialising embodied knowledge $75.00 
ARTV3033-3487 Creative Research Practice: Developing and Independent Work Proposal -
ARTV4022-3994 Research Principles and Methods 1 -
ARTV8030 + ARTV9030-4025-4027 Writing about practice-led research -
ARTV8041-4026 Methodologies of Contemporary Art Practices -
DESN1002-4028 Visual Communication: Design and Production -
DESN1004-4003 The Past as Prototype: History, Ethics and Concepts for Design in the Twenty-First Century -
3530,DESN2001-4004 + DESN6001-4014 Design Form and Fabrication $50.00
3530,DESN2002-4005 + DESN6002-4017 Foundations of Creative Code -
3530,DESN2007-4006 Speculative and Critical Design -
3530,DESN2010-4007 Making Creative and Critical Technologies: Physical Computing for Design and Art -
3530,DESN2015-4008 Supporting Bodies: Now that we're here, where do we sit? $200.00 
3530,DESN3010-4010 Design Studio: Independent Practice -
3530,DESN4011-4013 Design Research: Theory and Methods -



Online Payments

Workshops and materials (ANU students only):

Gallery and external (non ANU students):

*External payments including Graduating Student Exhibition Catalogue



Students have the option to obtain additional access to workshop and studio spaces outside of class delivery. Afterhours Access is defined as access to workshop and studio spaces outside of business hours (8am – 6pm) between 6pm - 10pm Monday to Friday. It is afforded to students by paying anAfterhours Access Feeeach semester.

Updated:  19 February 2025/Responsible Officer:  Head of School/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications