Graduating Exhibition 2013

Grand Opening:  6pm Friday 29 November 2013,  Art School Courtyard
Opened by:  Dr Michael Brand, Director, Art Gallery of NSW

Opening Hours:  Monday–Sunday 10.30am–5pm

Download the catalogue: Graduating Exhibition 2013

The ANU School of Art is proud to invite you to its Graduating Exhibition 2013 showing across the entire school and galleries. The exhibition showcases the work of students completing awards in our Diploma of Arts, Bachelor of Visual Arts, Bachelor of Design Arts and Bachelor of Digital Arts, and the Bachelor degrees with Honours. The culmination of many years of study, in both art theory and art practice, this work represents the achievement of the student’s thought processes, skills and making working in and across disciplines.

Visitors to the School will witness the talent of its emerging artists and experience the quality and diversity of art and craft education offered by the School, from fine furniture making to installation, digital imagery to ceramic objects. The works are displayed in the School of Art Gallery, Foyer Gallery, Photospace and in Workshop spaces throughout the School. Many of the works are for sale and provide a great opportunity to support our recent graduates.

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Updated:  30 November 2015/Responsible Officer:  Head of School/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications