Higher Degrees by Research Conference

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The School of Art and Design is delighted to present our second Higher Degree Research Conference for 2022, featuring first year research students giving their Thesis Proposal Review and final year candidates making their Oral Presentation. These milestone presentations mark important junctures in the research journeys of our HDR cohort. Their work constitutes a significant aspect of the research culture of the School.

The conference is open to all and we welcome your involvement.

RSVP essential for catering purposes.

Zoom: https://anu.zoom.us/j/83563222632?pwd=Ung5MW5pUkR5S1FrQ1pRd3ZxYkNLdz09

Meeting ID: 835 6322 2632

Password: SOADHDR22


Updated:  24 October 2022/Responsible Officer:  Head of School/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications