Jay Kochel / Simon Scheuerle

Jay Kochel Smoking Mirror, 2012 hair, bitumen, polyurethane, polyester resin, timber, webcam, code, computer dimensions variable
Jay Kochel Smoking Mirror, 2012 hair, bitumen, polyurethane, polyester resin, timber, webcam, code, computer dimensions variable

Art Forum

Jay Kochel is a Canberra based artist whose work ranges across media including installation, new media, design, sculpture, photography and video. His work explores methods of casting and re-appropriation of the familiar into the unfamiliar, often remodeling aspects of the found object into new materials and dialogues with other objects. He recently completed his PhD at the ANU School of Art.

Simon Scheuerle uses a wide variety of everyday materials to produce his objects and installations which are like the imagined props of his own horror movie or wax museum. He utilises an over the top materiality to underscore the strange and uncanny with a dark and sometimes literal sense of humour. Simon is a lecturer at the ANU School of Art.

Updated:  11 April 2013/Responsible Officer:  Head of School/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications