Robin White, Nei Tiein goes for a walk 1992, woodcut on paper (set of 4), 29 x 13 cm each, Courtesy Helen Maxwell Gallery
Robin White, Nei Tiein goes for a walk 1992, woodcut on paper (set of 4), 29 x 13 cm each, Courtesy Helen Maxwell Gallery

Robin White is a major New Zealand artist. She is a painter as well as a printmaker and drawing is an important part of her work. In 1982 she and her family moved to the Republic of Kiribati where they lived until 1999. This exhibition presents works based on the Kiribati region and compliments the exhibition by Jon Lewis in the Main Gallery, Portraits from the Edge. Robin will present an Art Forum of her work at 1pm on Wednesday 4 April.

Updated:  30 May 2013/Responsible Officer:  Head of School/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications