Ruth Hadlow Workshop

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This workshop will look at participants’ interests and current work, and consider possibilities and tactics for extending individual practice. It will be tailored to each participant, focused on developing ideas through research, discussion, sampling, writing and critique.

The workshop aims to support participants who are interested in extending their own practice, creating challenges in the form of self-devised research projects, technical and material experimentation, as well as self-directed appraisal and critique of work and methods of practice.

Tutor: Ruth Hadlow has a practice that shifts between writing, textiles and installation work.

She has exhibited nationally and internationally, undertaken numerous residencies, and has been the recipient of several Australia Council grants for research projects. Ruth is well-known for her freelance teaching, which ranges across a variety of subjects but is essentially focused on the development of ideas for contemporary art practice. For the past 10 years Ruth has been living in West Timor, Indonesia. She has just completed a Phd through the School of Art, Architecture & Design at UniSA, investigating relationships between language, text and textile practice in relation to living between cultures and languages. Her most recent project is a series of 12 artist’s books entitled the Library of Translation Exercises. One of these is:

 PARTICIPATION FEE: $150 wages    $100 unwaged


Updated:  29 January 2011/Responsible Officer:  Head of School/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications