Safrizal Shahir: Works on Paper 2014

Safrizal Shahir, Recollection: Lines of Memories 5, 2013 Ink and pen on paper 41.2 x 28.7 cm
Safrizal Shahir, Recollection: Lines of Memories 5, 2013 Ink and pen on paper 41.2 x 28.7 cm

This exhibition consist a series of artworks that explores the idea and subject of Batu Aceh that is an Islamic tombstone which exist around Southeast Asia Malay world from the beginning of 15th  century until early 20th century. The artworks in this exhibition can be seen as a reflection by the artist upon the subject in two modes, that is expressive and contextual manner.

Safrizal Shahir is a current PhD candidate in the Printmedia and Drawing Workshop at the ANU School of Art.

Updated:  14 February 2014/Responsible Officer:  Head of School/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications