Soil Breathes | Sophia Cole

Sophia Cole, 'Soil's Scale' (installation view), 2024, dimensions variable. Photo: Yandell Walton.

You are invited to commune with the local soils. These artworks were all made in collaboration with the soils I steward at Wamboin, a short drive from here. Myself and my workshop participants have used scientific tools as tools of soil communion and intimacy. We have used microscopes and microphones to connect with these soils on their own levels: seeing and hearing the world at soil's scale. We have used the simple tools of walking Country, and of handling soil, to gain a better embodied sense of connection with the soil. I invite you to join us.


Sophia Dacy-Cole is an artist, writer, and unschooled ethnobiologist. Her research-creation practice is concerned with a mutual eco-somatics: one which tends to the more-than-human other as much as the human. Through her work, she asks: who do we become when we engage intimately with the more-than-human?

She is a Doctoral Candidate at the School of Art and Design, Australian National University. She is also a core member of the Canadian artist collective Quite Ourselves, a longterm co-conspirator of the SenseLab (now Three Ecologies Institute), and a member of the Decoloyarns editorial circle.

She is based in Wamboin, on unceded Ngunawal Territory. She also works in Naarm (Melbourne), Tiohtià:ke (Montreal) where she lived for much of her twenties, and Tkaronto (Toronto). Her publication history includes pieces in: un. Magazine; Inflexions: a Journal for Research-Creation; and an upcoming piece in the Environmental Humanities Journal. She has exhibited, and performed in: Australia, Turtle Island (both Canada and the USA), Brazil, Aotearoa (New Zealand), Romania, Scotland, and Switzerland.

Sophia Cole is a Higher Degree Research Candidate completing a Doctor of Philosophy.

Updated:  14 March 2025/Responsible Officer:  Head of School/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications