2023 Graduating Exhibition

Graduating work by Sophie Dumaresq
Tuesday 28 November 2023

The ANU School Art & Design 2023 Graduating Exhibition showcases the work of students completing undergraduate, honours and postgraduate coursework programs at the Australian National University School of Art & Design.

This year, we are proud to present over fifty graduating students, working across a wide range of creative forms. The changing complexion of our Graduating Exhibition reflects changes within the School: our increasingly flexible Visual Arts program encourages students to create their own path, developing the unique practices on show in this exhibition. In Design, students work on applied, collaborative creative projects, engaging as you will see with a wide range of challenges and contexts. Through what has been a challenging period for many, we celebrate the resilience, inventiveness and agency of our graduating students.

This exhibition also reflects the tireless work of the School’s academic and professional staff. I’d like to specifically thank Dr Peter Alwast, Master of Contemporary Art Practices Convenor; Dr Ella Barclay, Visual Arts Honours Convenor; Dr Pia van Gelder, Bachelor of Design Convenor; Dr Naomi Hay, Bachelor of Design (Honours) Convenor; and Dr Rebecca Mayo, Bachelor of Visual Arts Convenor. I’d also like to acknowledge third year coursework leaders Lucy Irvine and Dr Naomi Hay as well as our School Manager, Suzanne Knight, in leading the School’s technical and professional teams that work behind the scenes to make it all possible.

Special acknowledgement for producing the exhibition goes to the School of Art & Design Gallery staff, led by Senior Gallery Coordinator Megan Hinton with Irina Agaronyan and Adina West; lead curator Lucy Irvine; and the School’s technical team, led by Emma Beer, who were invaluable in making this exhibition a physical reality.

I would also like to gratefully acknowledge the patrons of our Emerging Artists Support Scheme (EASS) and the ANU Visual Arts Endowment, who continue to support our graduating students through an array of prizes, scholarships and awards. As well as rewarding excellence, these prizes provide important opportunities for students to develop their creative practice in the wider world.

Congratulations to all our graduates on reaching this important milestone; we celebrate your success, and we look forward to seeing how you shape your own creative paths in the years to come.

Professor Mitchell Whitelaw, Head of School, November 2023




Updated:  28 November 2023/Responsible Officer:  Head of School/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications