Dr Jen Rae, H.C. Coombs Creative Arts Fellow for 2024

Dr Jen Rae. Photo: Penny Ryan
Friday 24 May 2024

We are pleased to announce the H.C. Coombs Creative Arts Fellow for 2024 is Dr Jen Rae.

Jen Rae, (PhD) is an award-winning artist and researcher of Canadian Scottish-Métis (Indigenous) descent living on unceded Djaara Country (Castlemaine) Australia. She is recognised for her practice and expertise situated at the intersections of art, speculative futures and climate emergency disaster adaptation + resilience – predominantly articulated through transdisciplinary collaborations, multi-platform art projects, community alliances and Indigenous pedagogies. She is a Co-founder and the Creative Research Lead at the Centre for Reworlding, a member of the National Task Force for Creative Recovery, and was awarded a prestigious 2023 Creative Australia Fellowship for Emerging and Experimental Art.

As part of Rae’s Fellowship, she will be developing the next stage of BILYA with collaborators Claire G. Coleman, Lee Shang Lun (PlayReactive) and researchers at ANU. 

BILYA is a non-proprietary tool and relational mapping platform of people, projects and organisations working at the intersections of culture & the arts, climate, disaster risk reduction and resilience, and social justice.


Upcoming events

5.30 – 7.30pm, Tuesday 11 June | Theatrette 2.02, Sir Roland Wilson Building, 120 McCoy Circuit, Canberra
Screening of Refugium, followed by a Q & A with Claire G Coleman, Jen Rae, Rebecca Mayo, Pia van Gelder
Register to attend.

Full-day, Wednesday 12 June | Superfloor (top floor), Marie Reay Teaching Centre, Building 155, 155 University Avenue, Canberra
Submit your expression of interest to participate in BILYA Lab with Dr Jen Rae. Learn more.


Read about the history of the Fellowship.

Updated:  31 May 2024/Responsible Officer:  Head of School/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications