Graduating Exhibition Emerging Artist Support (EASS) Awards 2020

The 2020 Emerging Artist Supporting Scheme Awards were announced on Friday 11 December. Invited guest and SOA&D alumni Dr Gregory Hodge delivered a short speech and awards were presented by Professor Denise Ferris, Head of the School of Art & Design and Dr Beck Davis, Lecturer and incoming Head of School.
The Emerging Artists Support Scheme (EASS) is unique to the SOA&D and has been operating for over thirty years. Through this scheme patrons can award prizes, scholarships and commissions, and acquire artworks for their collections. Our School greatly appreciates this support from the ACT community.
The opportunities presented through EASS can often lead to career changing outcomes for our Graduates. Awards alone do not lead to success, but these awards can make a difference.
Such generous sponsorship from individuals, families, local business, and corporate sector and arts organisations represents assistance for graduating artists when it is most valuable – at the beginning of their independent studio practice. The scheme plays a significant role in encouraging emerging practitioners to remain in the region, and residencies and exhibition opportunities offered by local arts organisations play a key role in building Canberra’s wealth of practising artists.
The School of Art & Design thank all of our supporters who make these awards possible.
Official Awards & Scholarships ($1,000)
School of Art & Design Drawing Prize: Duncan Currie
The Janet Wilkie Memorial Prize for Introduction to Art History and Curatorship – nominated student: Eleanor O'Toole
The Janet Wilkie Memorial Prize for Art History and Curatorship – nominated student: Jessica Benter
Official Awards & Scholarships ($1,001 - $4,999)
Max Hawk Travel Grant: Zoe Bilston
Kate and Bill Guy Art History and Theory Honours Prize – nominated student: Caitlin Hughes
Gray Smith and Joan Scott Prize – nominated student: Chin-Jie Melodie Liu
The Janet Wilkie Memorial Prize for Art History and Theory Honours – nominated student: Caitlin Hughes
D & M Williams Travel Grant: Matthew Lund
Official Awards & Scholarships ($5,000 - $9,999)
ANU School of Art & Design Graduate Materials Awards in Visual Arts (Harris Hobbs): Bic Tieu
ANU Visual Arts Endowment Scholarship - Visual Arts - nominated student: Chantelle Qiao-Yu Ly
ANU Visual Arts Endowment Scholarship - Design - nominated student: Isabella Wright
John and Elizabeth Baker Design Award - nominated student: Natsuko Yonezawa
Nigel Thomson Travel Grant: David Liu
Westende Travel Grant: Ashley Roxburgh
EASS Patrons Honours Scholarship in the School of Art: Chin-Jie Melodie Liu
Emerging Artist Support Scheme (EASS) Awards and Prizes
ACT Legislative Assembly Prize
The recipient of the ACT Legislative Prize has a work exhibited at the ACT Legislative Assembly for the coming year and receives a cash prize. The recipients of the award are selected by Madam Speaker Joy Burch.
Patrons: Madam Speaker Joy Burch; art advisor Merryn Gates; Joanne Cullen, Education & Engagement ACT Legislative Assembly.
- Greta Cooper
- David Liu
Altenburg Gallery
Solo exhibition at Altenburg Gallery, Braidwood.
With thanks to Patron Cecile Galiazzo, Altenburg & Co
- Zoe Bilston
- Millie Black
ANU Makerspace Graduate in Residence Award
This is a new award for 2020, generously made possible by Saskia Morris and John Debs from ANU Makerspace.
- Olinda Narayanan
ANCA Exhibition Award
Solo exhibition at ANCA Gallery in 2021
- Jonathon Zalakos
Art Monthly Australasia Subscription
2 year Subscription to Art Monthly Australasia
- Olinda Narayanan
- Dom Szabo
Belco Arts Centre Exhibition Award
2021 solo exhibition at Belco Arts
- Ashley Cullen
Canberra Museum and Gallery Ramp Showcase Award
2021 exhibition in the Ramp Showcase, working with CMAG Senior Curator Virginia Rigney
- April Davis
Canberra Spinners and Weavers Award
Exhibition at Textile Works Gallery and artist talk in February 2021, one year membership of Canberra Spinners & Weavers, $50 discount on one of CSW workshops in 2021.
- Millie Black
- Olinda Narayanan
- Gaynor Hodder
Cox Architecture EASS Prize
Exhibition at Cox Gallery, and cash prize.
- Andrew Jaffray
Craft ACT: Craft and Design Emerging Artist Award
Craft ACT: Craft + Design Centre’s Emerging Artist Award, winning inclusion in our highly-respected Emerging Contemporaries exhibition and free general membership to Craft ACT.
- Olinda Narayanan
- David Liu
- Jonathon Zalakos
- Millie Black
- Annalise Fredericks
Drill Hall Gallery Acquisition Award for the ANU Art Collection
- Millie Black
Eckersley's Art & Craft Materials Award
Materials voucher generously offered by Eckersley’s Art & Craft
- Ashley Cullen
Gallery of Small Things
Group exhibition and mentoring provided by Gallery of Small Things owner Anne Masters
- Nate Lee
- Gwendolyn Courtney
- Chin-Jie Melodie Liu
- Sasha Beattie
- Jane Bodnaruk
- Greta Cooper
Kin Outstanding Graduate Award
Professional development opportunity awarded by Kin Gallery owner (and SOA&D alumna) Ingrid Penc
- Jonathan Zalakos
M16 Artspace Residency & Exhibition Award
6 month residency and exhibition award
- Bronte Bell
- Adrian Olsen
Megalo Print Studio & Gallery Residency Award
- Zoe Bilston
- Chin-Jie Melodie Liu
Megalo Print Studio & Gallery online exhibition award
- Sanne Carroll
PhotoAccess Residency Award
- Aloisia Cudmore
Tributary Projects Exhibition Award
Solo exhibition at Tributary Projects
- Ruijing Cui
- Olinda Narayanan
Tuggeranong Arts Centre Exhibition Award
Solo exhibition
- Alexa Malizon
Peter and Lena Karmel Anniversary Prize (nominated student)
- Joshua Ophel