Anne-Marie Jean

Higher Degree by Research Candidate
School of Art & Design
Higher Degree by Research Candidate
School of Art & Design
Thesis working title
Combinations of painterly language in multi-sensorial landscape painting.
Dr Rebecca Mayo - supervisor
Ruth Waller, Honorary Senior Lecturer - advisor
Emeritus Professor Helen Ennis - advisor
Thesis Description
Artworks containing a combination of painterly languages have the capacity to connect audience to nature phenomenally. My studio based research examines combinations of materials and modes of painterly representation, which in concert create multi-sensorial nature-based painting. Through the research I examine not only how painting can connect an audience to nature but also what can be learnt about connecting to nature through investigating multi-sensorial nature painting.
My studio based research commences with examining painting whose dominant feature is pictorial representation and progressing through investigation of abstract formal painterly structures to painting in the expanded field. Throughout I consider the roles of representation, artist, materiality, nature environments, emotive/affective response and reception/audience in phenomenal nature-based painting.
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