Dr Christina Clarke

Honorary Lecturer
Centre for Art History & Art Theory
Honorary Lecturer
Centre for Art History & Art Theory
Dr Christina Clarke is Lecturer in Early Modern Art, Design and Material Culture at the Centre for Art History and Art Theory. Her specialism is the history of metal material culture and metals in society from prehistoric to contemporary practice. Christina’s current research focuses on Early Modern European metalwork, specifically the manufacture of Louis XIV’s silver furniture and the representation of metalworking in Diderot and d’Alembert’s Encyclopédie. Christina explores digital humanities tools for teaching and researching art history and is the research associate on Performing Transdisciplinarity, an Australian Research Council Discovery Project to create a digital critical edition of Jean-Benjamin de Laborde’s 1774 illustrated songbook, Choix de chansons. Her monograph, The Manufacture of Minoan Metal Vessels: Theory and Practice, was published in 2013 by Astrom Editions.
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