Bagan Conservation Project, Myinpyagu Temple (2020 – 2021)

At Bagan: Charlotte Galloway and Chaitanya Sambrani with ANU students during the 2019 study tour to Myanmar.
Getty Conservation Institute: $23,000 Charlotte Galloway
Partners: Getty Conservation Institute, Myanmar Department of Archaeology and Museums
The GCI and Myanmar’s Department of Archaeology and National Museum are working together to improve the conservation and management of the monuments at Bagan through a holistic and sustainable approach that aims to preserve the values of the site through targeted strategies. Part of this project is the model field component at Myin-pya-gu Temple. This contract supports the research into the architectural and decorative elements of the temple and its historic context to support a significance assessment.
Updated: 30 July 2020/Responsible Officer: Head of School/Page Contact: CASS Marketing & Communications
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