Corley Explorer (2018)

Mitchell Whitelaw and Geoff Hinchcliffe.
Contracted research for State Library of Queensland, 2018.
Value $60,000.
The State Library of Queensland's Frank and Eunice Corley collection is a unique record of the Queensland suburbs of the 1960s and 1970s, comprising over 61,000 photographs. Mitchell Whitelaw and Geoff Hinchcliffe worked with SLQ and Canberra digital studio Icelab to design and develop a rich, explorable interface that invites the community to describe and enrich the collection. Visitors can tag and locate houses, as well as adding their own stories and recollections. The Explorer was launched in early December 2018 as part of the SLQ exhibition Home: A Suburban Obsession, featuring the Corley Collection. The response has been remarkable, with over 35,000 houses located and over 1900 stories contributed so far. The Corley Explorer was an honoree in the 24th annual Webby Awards.
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