Curating Photography in the Networked Image Economy (2018-2020)

Swiss National Science Foundation, Value $340,000.
Partners: Lucerne University of Applied Arts & Sciences (CH), The Photographers’ Gallery (UK), Foto Colectania (ES), Fotomuseum Winterthur (CH).
Funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation, the project represents the first major European study into post-photographic curating. In partnership with three major European photographic museums, the research examines the practices of institutional curators, network users, commercial platforms and computer scientists who, from different knowledge domains, are helping to order, valorise and ‘curate’ the networked image in post-digital culture. By forming new connections between photographic curating, social media curation and computational curating the project generates new knowledge on the cultural value of the post-photographic image, and institutional methodologies to support public engagement with contemporary visual culture.
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