Digital Imaging Research Facility (DIRF) (2018)

Rowan Conroy
This project has built on our existing strengths by significantly developing the digital imaging capabilities through the purchase of next generation camera systems. The DIRF dovetails into many facets of current and future research at the ANU. Cross campus collaboration as well as external facing research has seen a fruitful and diverse range of outputs to date.
Brad Tucker, Jason Obrien, R. Conroy – Stromolo astrophotography plate digitisation project, B. Croft Lend Lease Barrangaroo Commission, R.Conroy and Elizabeth Minchin ANU Classics Museum – 3D photogrammetry of small objects for teaching and web distribution, R. Conroy and Matthew Brookhouse Fenner School ANU – Alternative method for tree ring photographic analysis, R.Conroy and F. Chew CASS teaching and Learning 3D photogrammetry of Goulburn Cathedral to support online teaching of archaeological practice, Maya Haviland and Brad Riley – Numerous Indigenous research projects in visual anthropology, R.Conroy Paphos Theatre Archaeological Project – UAV aerial 3D photogrammetry, R.Conroy Cyprus Department of Antiquities storeroom survey.
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