Urban Timber Rescue Project (2019- current)

To date, this project has been funded by the ANU Fenner School’s Environment and Society Synthesis Program ($15,000) and the ANU Research School of Humanities and Arts’ Cross-College Research Scheme ($15,000).
Every year, thousands of ACT city trees are removed and chipped. In order to divert these natural resources from the waste stream and convert them into usable timber, Ashley Eriksmoen is working with Associate Professor Cris Brack, forestry scientist at Fenner School of Environment and Society in consultation with government partners, including the ACT Commissioner for Sustainability and the Environment, ACT Parks and Conservation Service, ACT Transport Canberra and City Services Directorate’s Urban Treescapes division. This project hosted a two-day synthesis meeting, Life and Death in a City of Trees, and brought together stakeholders, including ACT Ministers, local government resource managers, foresters, woodworkers, architects, activists and conservationists, to consider approaches to this complex issue.
Eriksmoen and Brack are currently working towards an ARC Linkage Grant and other external funding with industry, government, and cross-institutional partnerships.
Read more about the project here: https://theconversation.com/when-a-tree-dies-dont-waste-your-breath-rescue-the-wood-to-honour-its-memory-125137
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