Vice-Chancellor's Creative Research Fellows (2020)

Leah Bullen, Anemones, 2020, watercolour, gouache and monotype on paper, 60 x 45 cm.
The Vice-Chancellor Creative Research Fellowship is an innovative Scheme that aims to promote collaborative research between disciplines in the University and provide opportunities for developing future trans-disciplinary research.
In 2020 the 2 visiting fellows, projects proposals demonstrate the range of questions by researchers in the Nature><Culture cluster.
Dr Leah Bullen will be collaborating with Professor Stephen Eggins, ANU Research School of Earth Sciences and the Climate and Fluid Dynamics Group (RSES). Her research focusses on sites that reconstruct nature: aquariums, habitat dioramas and botanic gardens. These locations of ‘virtual nature’ function through the qualities of simulation, liminality, presence and immersion. Virtual nature has become assimilated into scientific systems of knowledge and is integral to raising public awareness about environmental issues.
Dr Pia van Gelder will be collaborating with the Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU College of Asia Pacific, the Energy Change Institute and the Climate Change Institute.
Her project will develop a tool kit of methodologies that respond to the challenges of what is meant by a ‘sustainable studio’ and how an artist can transition to carbon zero or carbon negative. This transition will necessarily inform the work that practitioners make and how they engage with cultural institutions.
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