GEO: Art of the Collection at Geoscience Australia (2018-2019)

Image: Dr Erica Seccombe, 'Plants of the Carboniferous era' (detail) Coal on Stonehenge, 8 panels. 500 x 1000 mm
Geoscience Australia has a vast collection of rocks, minerals, crystals and fossils. In a collaboration with SOAD, around fifty artists were invited to spend a day amongst the spectacular displays and explore ways in which they might respond to the collection via their chosen medium. The outcomes of the project included an SOAD symposium and linked exhibition featuring the work of thirty artists many of whom where Honours and HDR graduates. ANU researchers participating in the project included Dr Julie Brooke, Dr Anna Madeline Raupach, Dr Erica Seccombe, Ruth Waller, and Patsy Hely.
This initiative is the first in a developing creative partnership between Geoscience Australia and the ANU School of Art & Design.
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